Tim Tebow shares ominous take on Billy Napier, Florida situation

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Billy Napier’s seat at the University of Florida is burning and it will not cool down unless he can string a couple of wins together and change the trajectory of his team.

Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow does not feel like their defensive is up to par yet — something’s missing.

"To sum it up, an edge (is missing) ... some form of an edge," Tebow said, per Yahoo Sports’ Aidan Gallardo.” "I would love to see some of the next steps just being in the levels of tenacity and fight they show in the games.”

There are donors who have shared their concerns and even given their take on who the next coach should be of the program. It also does not help that the Auburn Tigers are chasing one of their 2025 commits, too.

Nothing is impossible and Napier still has the opportunity to turn things around but the clock is winding down, slowly but surely.

Tim Tebow knows what it will take for Florida to improve

Tebow, who played football at Florida followed by three years in the NFL, has experience of what it takes for a football team to improve their circumstances. 

"I think it's one of the biggest issues,” Tebow said, per Gallardo.” “We're not winning on the offensive and defense line. Period. On top of that, you have to take so much pride in this. I don't mean that in arrogant way, I mean that in a competitive way. you have to take pride in your team and teammates and what you do. There has to be a level of that."

This effort is not just on Napier but the entire program itself, football is a team sport for a reason.