TSN Archives: Jackie Robinson makes the Dodgers team (April 16, 1947, issue)

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Editor’s note: This Page 1 story, by correspondent Michael Gaven, appeared in The Sporting News dated April 16, 1947, under the headline, "Jackie Robinson Gets Chance With Flatbush Troupe." It marked the Dodgers purchasing Robinson's contract from the Montreal Royals, making him first Black player to become a major leaguer. (Warning: Outdated references to race my be offensive to some.)

BROOKLYN, N.Y. — Brooklyn, for the first time in Its 72 years in the National League, will have a Negro player within its ranks this season.

All doubt of Jackie Robinson's status was removed at 3:15 p.m., April 10, when Branch Rickey announced: "The Brooklyn Dodgers Jackie Robinson today purchased the contract of Jackie Roosevelt Robinson from the Montreal Royals.”

The 28-year-old graduate of UCLA was expected to continue his first base trial in the Yankee series which was to open the next day. However, it was not definite that he would be at the initial sack in the opening game of the season against the Braves on April 15. That decision was left to the new manager.

As a first baseman for Montreal in exhibition games against the Dodgers, he did not measure up to major league standards at the initial sack. Good reasons could have been the many mishaps that marred the spring training program mapped out for him by Rickey. When his carefully laid plans did not jell, it was generally agreed that the major domo had little choice but to elevate (Robinson), because he missed so many games at first base, a few in contradiction to Rickey's orders, when Montreal deemed it important to look at other first base candidate. There certainly would have been charge that he did not receive a fair trial.

MORE: The Sporting News marks the enduring impact of Jackie Robinson

So he evidently was rated on his 1946 record, a .349 average which led the International League. A shortstop in college and with the Kansas City Monarchs before the Dodgers signed him in the fall of 1945, he played second base for Montreal in 119 games. He committed only ten errors and Clay Hopper, his manager, said there was no doubt but that he could play the position in the majors.

But Eddie Stanky was entrenched there. Short and third were also closed against him. Only first base was open. His early role with the Dodgers will be a utility position, but he will undoubtedly receive an opportunity to improve himself around the initial sack, since his forte is speed. He stole 40 bases last year. It probably would be safe to say that he will do a lot of pinch-running

Ironically enough, in his first appearance in Brooklyn, in the Dodger-Royal exhibition tilt on April 10, he made his poorest showing at the plate. In three official trips, he failed to hit a ball out of the infield. He walked once and scored on Don Lund's homer.

A Mark-Off In Red Ink

Thus has the most costly trial ever given a player come to an end. Because of the segregation laws in FlorIda and other southern states, the Dodgers had to leave the country. They were forced to do most of their training sans guarantee in Havana at an average cost of $25 per day per player and had to fly 2,600 miles to Venezuela in order to get in three games against major leaguers, namely, the Yankees.

On the ledger, the approximate $50,000 loss will be itemized as spring training expenses. But to the directors of the Brooklyn club and others interested in Dodger financial matters, the red ink will always spell Jackie Robinson. It will be an indelible mark that baseball will never forget.

MORE: If not for Jackie …

Certainly there never was a trial like it before and it is doubtful that the future will produce anything to match it, what with the principal figure never even donning the uniform of the club he was trying to make during spring training and only casually meeting less than half his potential teammates. More unusual was the Montreal club's 2,000-mile flight from Havana to Panama for a $6,000 guarantee when it knew even before it left that It was going to lose at least $20,000.

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The main idea was to give Robinson as many games as possible against the Dodgers, and to hell with the cost. It was Rickey's theory that the more games (Robinson) played against the Flock, the better he would look and the less resentment against him. No man ever had greater faith in the ability of a ball player. We believe that it was Branch's honest opinion that the Brooklyn players would come rushing to him and shout:

"Let's have that fellow. He can win the pennant for us.”

To put it mildly, it didn't happen that way. However, a quiet poll conducted by the Flatbush Secret Service revealed that no one would quit the club if Robinson were made a member. A few said that they would ask to be traded. What little resentment was openly expressed came from unexpected sources.

If there were any clubhouse meetings to discuss the issue, none was admitted. Leo Durocher had said that one would be held to ask the players if they would object to Robinson joining the club, but later changed his mind. Rickey said he welcomed the opinions of all players on new men joining the club, often asked for them, but that the management would make the decisions, regardless

That Rickey had made a definite decision was first indicated on Wednesday, April 2, when he returned to Havana after an all-day fishing trip. There was no doubt that he had given considerable thought to the Robinson problem while casting about for the elusive tarpon, from the very minute he entered the room where the newspapermen sat awaiting his return.

Without even taking time to change from his fishing clothes, he announced: "Robinson will return to first base tonight and play there every remaining game with Montreal." It was the second time he had made such an announcement for a few days previously (Robinson) had been taken off the initial sack to give the Royals an opportunity to eliminate Kevin Connors and break in Lou Ruchser.

Rickey Gone, But Robbie Back

But this time he indicated to the assembled scribes that he meant business by asking one of his aides to make sure that his instructions were conveyed to Clay Hopper, Montreal manager. Then the fun started. Hopper not only resented such indirect orders but told the boss about it in no uncertain manner in a star chamber battle that lasted well into the morning.

The next day Rickey was gone and, much to the amazement of all concerned, Robinson was back at second base for Montreal. Hopper acknowledged Rickey's orders but insisted that his duty to the Montreal club came first. Ruchser was his first baseman, and he wanted to give him a chance to play.

What was said over the telephone that night is not a matter of public record, but the next time the clubs met Robinson was back at first base. That was Saturday, April 4, and it proved to be (Robinson’s) last game until the skirmishes at Ebbets Field. Bruce Edwards slid into him in getting back to first base in a run-down and Robinson, forced to leap for a high throw, tumbled over the runner.

He wasn't seriously injured, but was shaken up, had pain in the back and was unable to play the next day. It was the second time in his short and strange trial that he was forced out of the lineup. Earlier he was laid low by a stomach disorder and there is small doubt but that he was still feeling its effects in the few games he played in the interim.

Dixie Walker Draws Boos at Jackie’s Flatbush Bow

BROOKLYN, N.Y. — At Jackie Robinson's debut at Ebbets Field with Montreal, April 10, certain members of the Harlem delegation among the 14,282 fans vociferously booed Dixie Walker on his appearances at the plate. This was something distinctly new in Flatbush, where the People's Choice has been the big hero for years.

Walker has made only one comment on Robinson. That was last winter when he declared that he didn't have to worry about Robinson so long as he was in a Montreal uniform.

Now that Jackie's a full-fledged member of the Dodgers, Dixie will probably accept him with the same grace as the other players have done. Here recently the tide set strongly in favor of Robinson among the Brooklyn players.