Opinion: Adventurer Annabelle Bond on embracing and being fit at 50

9 min read
Annabelle Bond


Age has always been just a number for me. I was never one of those people who analysed what it meant to turn 50 years old, and I just expected my body to be able to continue to do what I had always expected of it.

There are a few differences that I have come to terms with; I can’t bounce back from a late-night like I used to, I do need to stretch a little in the mornings before diving into my morning sit-up routine, and my iPhone screen is very blurry these days!

Stay active
I can’t do anything about these aspects of ageing, but the rest is within my control. The key to the fountain of youth is mentally believing you are still in your 30s, laughing a lot, doing daily cardio, keeping your muscle toned using weights, getting good sleep and eating a balanced, clean, healthy diet.

Eat well
Apart from not acting your age, people ask me how I keep In such good shape. In a nutshell, it’s called being disciplined. Trust me; I drink beer and champagne, I eat chips and chocolate but not all the time. If I have a cheat day, I don't beat myself up about it. I have had no tummy tucks, cellulite removal or any of that kind of work. I wouldn’t particularly want to be in a zoomed-in photo. Still, the overall effect is I’m fit and have muscle tone without being too obsessive by constantly fasting, doing ProLon to “reset”, or eating a macrobiotic vegan diet. It’s really about a simple, balanced diet and exercise.

Look natural
I do not want that overfilled stretched surgery look that so many women succumb to, and I find it very ageing, not to mention laughable to have huge, overinflated cheekbones and lips. Instead, I try to keep my face youthful by doing laser facials with my amazing skin lady Lillian at Bio Beauty here in Hong Kong and Dr Rita Rakus when I am in London. I will confess to using Botox as I never like to look worried or upset. Botox keeps those expressions away, and it’s just a happy face that you see!

Stay disciplined
Now Back to the hard part, which is the being disciplined part of ageing. “The early bird gets the worm “ has always been one of my mottos. I believe you can get so much more done by getting up early no matter how late you go to bed, and I get up at 6.30 am most days. The first thing I do when I wake up is a 15-minute sit-up and weights session before having a light breakfast which consists of a glass of my homemade probiotic culture (my daughter has to have one too), a kiwi or plain yogurt with chia seeds and honey, and a ginger tea. I head off for a 10km hot and humid trail run featuring a 1000-foot climb at the end. Not everyone likes it but just do something to get your heart rate up and kickstart your metabolism. This is completed by 9.30 before I have two boiled eggs and a piece of sourdough bread. Lunch is typically green vegetables and rice or chicken salad, both Asian style, and I’ll take rice over potatoes or pasta any day. My days are always non-stop busy with philanthropy, work initiatives, social time, and monitoring all my daughter's activities and sports.

Lethargy usually hits right after eating lunch, so don’t succumb to the nap, keep active. If you have pangs of hunger, I always fill up on a banana smoothie which I put in some collagen powder and glutamine for muscle tissue repair, and that stops me from hitting the potato chips and fills me up until the next meal.

Stay fit
I typically like to do a light workout again in the evening if I have time as it’s a great way to boost your metabolism, which will then fat burn into the evening. The key to being slim is keeping a fast metabolism that you cannot have by starving yourself. This is why I don’t believe in fad diets or starvation diets. When you deprive yourself of food, your body automatically slows down your metabolism to conserve energy. You will find that it is not possible to live off food deprivation, and you will resort to eating normally again. Now here is the problem: once you resort to eating normally, you will now have a slow metabolism, making you put on even more weight than before. Keeping a fast metabolism is the most important aspect of keeping trim.

Embrace 'me time'  
I also try and restrict the number of times I go out in the evenings in a week. Preferably it’s no more than three nights that I go out, and the rest I love to be in bed early reading or watching a factual documentary.

Sleep early
The hours before midnight are the most rejuvenating sleep-wise, so it’s better for optimum health if you can sleep early. Sleep is vital as it’s a chance for your cells to repair themselves, and this is an essential part of staying young.

Take care of your mental health
I also do as many other sports as I can squeeze into a week, whether it be golf, tennis, wake surfing and in winter skiing downhill or cross country. I love being outdoors, which is as crucial for my mental health as anything else. If you live in a city, just get outside into the fresh air, even if only for 30 minutes, you need to make it part of your day. People don’t realise how important being outside Is for the psyche, so make it happen. It’s all counterintuitive; usually, when you feel so tired that you can’t do anything else, the easy option is to slide into bed or lie on the sofa and take a nap. The correct thing to do would be to go outside for a run or a brisk walk, and you will be amazed at how energised you feel upon your return.

Remember to have fun
The rest of feeling great at 50 is your attitude. I love to wear fun clothes but try to stay clear of the mutton dressed as lamb. I have fun with my wardrobe; I giggle with my daughter, laugh with my girlfriends, play golf and chill with my husband, and try not to sweat the small stuff. Having a positive outlook on life is key to your happiness and being happy is an essential part of looking fit at 50.