Aaron Rodgers shares story of UFO sighting on 'Hard Knocks:' 'What the hell is going on?'

4 min read
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Someone get David Duchovny on speed dial.

UFOs, aliens and Martians have been in the news this year, with the public getting a bit more of a peek behind the galactic curtain. There have been hundreds of thousands of Humanoids who support the existence of extraterrestrial life, but the highest-profile believer may have just shown himself on "Hard Knocks." And he plays quarterback for the New York Jets.

Aaron Rodgers has been known to spew a conspiracy theory or two and question the status quo as much as, or maybe more than, any high-profile athlete who has graced the sports world. During Tuesday's season finale of "Hard Knocks," Rodgers detailed less of a conspiracy and more of a close encounter of the third kind:

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Aaron Rodgers UFO story

Here's how Rodgers told the story:

We had this great dinner at his house in Jersey. I was making my way to bed and I had like a 5 a.m. wake-up, and I was getting down to bed, and I heard this alarm in the distance going off. It just didn't seem normal, and I heard some rustling downstairs. So I got up and walked downstairs.

It was a beautiful night, and Steve and his brother and I walked outside, and up in the clouds, we heard this sound and saw this tremendously large object moving through the sky. It was like a scene out of 'Independence Day,' when the ships are coming into the atmosphere and creating this kind of explosion-like fire in the sky.

We saw these incredibly large objects and froze, as anybody would, because what the hell is going on? Eventually it went out of sight, and nobody said a word. We just stood frozen, the three of us, on the front stoop of Steve's house. And about 30 seconds later we heard the real recognizable sound of fighter jets going shoom, shoom, shoom, shoom, that seemed to be chasing this object. 

And, again, we just stood there in disbelief for another few minutes, nobody said a word, and we all kind of looked at each other like, 'Did we just see what we think we just saw? What was that?'

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Rodgers would say that the alarm came from a nearby nuclear power plant, which aliens seem to have an affinity for, along with volcanoes and other sources of heat and energy. So, maybe this wasn't just a bad ayahuasca trip.

Northern New Jersey has had a bevy of UFO sightings over the years, with the hilly and less-light-polluted skies making for as good an area to spot the third kind as any. 

So, there you have it, folks: The existence of aliens seemingly confirmed before the Jets won a second Super Bowl. Cash out your bets.