TSN Archives: A point-counterpoint on Jackie Robinson's MLB future (Jan. 8, 1947, issue)

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Editor’s note: This point-counterpoint appeared in The Sporting News dated Jan. 8, 1947, with an editor’s note that read, “Will Jackie Robinson … make the grade in the majors next season, if brought up? “Yes,” asserts Lloyd McGowan, Montreal Star scribe, who watched Robinson throughout the past season. “No,” says Cy Kritzer, Buffalo Evening News writer who saw Jackie in action frequently. Their contrasting analyses are presented herewith.” (Warning: Outdated references to race my be offensive to some.)

Robinson Not Ready for Majors — Kritzer

BUFFALO, N. Y. — Clay Hopper, the Mississippi gentleman who managed the Montreal Royals to their second straight pennant last season, observed late last summer: "Jackie Robinson played his best ball before the largest crowds, usually on Sunday. He was sometimes an ordinary ball player before the smallest turnouts."

That is a characteristic of many great athletes; they need the stimulus of the rearing mob to make them produce their best. But there are many around the International League who still believe, after watching the Negro star do everything expected of a future major league player, that he was playing over his head in 1946, that his crusading zeal to pave the way for others of his race into pro baseball actually increased his ability.

In time, like an old-fashioned alarm clock, such things as inspiration, zeal, ardor all run down.

Can Jackie continue at the inspired pitch he attained last summer at Montreal? We don't think so. However that isn't the main deterrent to his chances for making the grade with the Brooklyn Dodgers. The big issue is whether Jackie can make the switch from second base to third base, and learn new position quickly and efficiently to open the season with a major league pennant contender, under the handicap of limited physical assets.

MORE: The Sporting News marks the enduring impact of Jackie Robinson

Frankly, we don't think he can. For that is asking a little too much, isn't it, of a rookie with only one year of Organized Ball behind him? True, Robinson had a season with the Kansas City Monarchs, but the pressure doesn't exist in Negro baseball as it does in the Triple A's and majors.

If second base was a wide-open berth on the Brooklyn Dodgers, Robinson likely would open the season. But that post is well-manned by Eddie Stanky, a type strongly favored by Branch Rickey and (Dodgers manager) Leo the Lip (Durocher). Consequently, the name of Robinson doesn't appear on the Brooklyn roster, but continues on the Montreal list.

In taking the negative side of the argument against Robinson making the grade as a major leaguer in his first trial, we think we are encouraging rather than discouraging the former UCLA all-round star. For despite his brilliant record with the Royals, which included the batting championship of the International. League, we think he needs another year on the big farm club. It will be remembered that Jackie joined the Royals as a shortstop, but was switched to second base. That he became the best double-play man in the league was due to his gameness and avidity to learn, and not to a strong arm. If he didn't have the arm to play shortstop, what about having a gun strong enough for the long throw from third base? Afield, Robinson likely will make as many fine trap plays and roam as far as any third sacker in the business covering Texas leaguers and foul flies.

It could develop that Robinson's remarkable ability to get the ball away will cover up his arm. Don't get the wrong idea — Robinson hasn't a weak arm, but it isn't the kind you ordinarily find on a major league third baseman

Robinson was a better hitter at the season's end than in the early weeks, but his average of .349 is higher than his true form. For Jackie hit No. 2 in the Montreal batting order, and surrounding him was a lineup of speed merchants. He proved an able hit-and-run man, but a flock of his hits could be attributed to the speed of his mates.

Another factor against Robinson making the major league grade is that while he hit sharp and stretched those long clotheslines down the left field line with remarkable regularity in late season, he didn't have much power.

Robinson's main asset was a combination of speed, daring and out-thinking the opposition. It is a question, we think, of how long he will retain his speed. He had trouble with his legs last season, though he blamed it on a spiking at Newark. Jackie is no youngster. He is past 27 years old, and he has put a fearful strain on his legs.

Rickey could well afford to wait until 1948 for Robinson to arrive, but the question is: Will Jackie's legs hold out that long?

"Robinson won't make the major leagues this coming season,” says Bucky Harris, manager of the Yankees, who was general manager of the Buffalo Bisons last season. Sharing Bucky's opinion is Jewel Ens, skipper of the Syracuse Chiefs. But the other pilots in the Int League believe Robinson will click on the Brooklyn club, if given the opportunity.

A year ago we heard Jackie Robinson's ability evaluated by many professionals who had played against him. They said he couldn't hit a curve ball, that he had blind spots as a batter and other negative words. … But Jackie lived them all down to become a Triple A star ... and even as we are analyzing his assets, and believe the cards are stacked against him in the Brooklyn deal, we wouldn't wager a plugged dime that he wouldn't be in the Dodger lineup come opening day, even though we don't think he will and can't see how he is going to make the majors with such a shortage of physical equipment, including youth.

‘Jackie a Cinch' If Given a Chance — McGowan

MONTREAL, Que. — I admit Jackie Robinson is a puzzle. The possibility of him finding employment with the Dodgers or some other club in the majors next season presents many obstruse angles, but I insist that with an even break he can make the grade.

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When you first lamp Robby and get past the fact that he is Negro, you get the impression that he is run-of-the-mill, strictly a journeyman ball player. Then you consult the records and they slam you in the face, for you find that he batted .349 righthanded to top the International League and that no pitcher was able to get his number.

You discover that he scored 113 runs, swiped 40 bases and was a steadily disturbing menace to enemy flingers. You find that he committed only ten errors at second base with a pennant-winning club in 119 games.

There is only one blemish on his record with the Royals in his first season in Organized Ball. He batted in only 66 runs, but Branch Rickey once said that in assaying a ball player you could heave the RBI column out the nearest window, and this argument will be presented in accordance with that view.

MORE: If not for Jackie …

Until you see Robinson under way, his footwork doesn't impress you. He is pigeon-toed to the point where you think he is going to trip himself and fall on his face. But he can run faster than 90 percent of the players in the majors. Mel Jones, the Royal general manager, who has hobnobbed with plenty of Big Time players, is authority for the statement. Robinson mastered the art of bunting and capitalized notably on the cross-up, making full use of his speed.

Robby doesn't break too quickly, but he has tremendous power in his strides, once under way. He really flies when running out a triple or double. This fact prompted a waggish Royal to remark: "That guy is certainly the fastest middle distance man in this game.”

On merit alone, Robinson should rate a place on the Dodgers. You haven't heard about Leo Durocher having a Pie Traynor or Joe Dugan glued to third base or a Rogers Hornsby or Napoleon Lajoie nailed to second. There wasn't a more reliable player in the International League last season than Robinson. He didn't bobble the clutch chance in the field and not too often at the plate. You can readily visualize Robby playing second base for Brooklyn, but you must take a rather myopic view of him at third, for he was used there in only two games as a Royal. He prefers the keystone job to any on the field and he is better equipped for it mechanically than for any other.

Robby can throw from any angle. His whip isn't too free, not too strong, but it is quick and accurate. He can make the double play either way.

Defensively, Robby goes to his left naturally, but for a time last season it appeared that he wasn't too fast darting towards the bag to knock down the ball or take it. He corrected this weakness as the campaign progressed and, in the end, he was everything that any manager could hope for, with something added.

If you have any doubts about what is written in the foregoing paragraph, we refer you to Robert Clay Hopper, the piano-playing gentleman from Mississippi, suh!

Durocher must not be impatient with Robinson. There will be courage-cracking pressure on Jackie in training camp. He must be able to call his teammates by their first names and he must know Reese from Reiser. It wasn't until he was well acclimatized and accepted as a Royal that he started his climb up stardom's stairs.

There isn't much Robby can't do with the bat. He pulls the ball, hits the curve, and can find the other field when the hit-and-run is on.

Bidding for one of the top jobs in the game, the first step again will be the hardest for him. The obstacles will be myriad, the pitch-holes many.

Unlike players of the type of Lou Boudreau and Red Rolfe, Robinson doesn't portray the major league potential at the first glance. In addition, his baseball working clothes tend to hide his intelligent features, his charming manner, casting him wrongly in the crude commonplace of the Negro ball player.

You don't know what's in the Rickey mind, except brains, and even less about what Durocher has between the ears concerning Robinson. They could be sharing a joint arcanum that holds the Robinson destiny as a major league prospect.

Unless Jackie gets the brush-off, the run-around, once-over-lightly and the old business, he should be queueing up with the Dodgers each payday. If not Brooklyn, then why not some other team not so well fortified with manpower? Still, it will be all right with every baseball zealot around here if he comes back as a Royal.

In this book, though, you won't find the slightest suggestion that on sheer ability he can't make it. Throw out the racial complications with the RBI record, install him at second base, and you've got a Flatbush favorite, Mr. Rickey.