Opinion: Annabelle Bond's tips on how she gets her body ready for summer

5 min read
Photo: Annabelle Bond

Summer is upon us, bringing with it bare legs, arms and midriffs. We don’t want to flaunt arms with bingo wings, legs with loose skin, or a stomach with rolls. We need to be lean, mean, toned fighting machines! That is my goal -  think Linda Hamilton in the terminator.

I shed the excess of winter life in preparation for summer, that little extra weight ( to keep me warm, of course)  that I kept hidden behind sweaters and coats. I have been decamped to London and don’t have access to my regular Hong kong routine. Being city-based has deprived me of the rugged hilly terrain and trails of Hong Kong, where I can easily knock out my daily run. This has resulted in my becoming a fan of the hit-and-run classes at my local gym. These play well to my short attention span. By the end of an hour’s class, I am a happy sweaty mess from the high-intensity interval training. The fast sprints to loud dance music are interspersed with squats, sit-ups and weights. It's fast-moving with great results. I go to the class seven days a week and complement it with additional walking or tennis with my girlfriends. 

Photo: Annabelle Bond

Photo: Annabelle Bond

My body has slowly tightened up, and I'm almost ready for swimsuit time. Sadly I am far from perfect when it comes to diet, and my food includes the snack cupboard that often beckons. I never deprive myself of food in general, as I have a healthy appetite. It's all about eating in moderation and a balanced diet. There is no magic remedy; you have to work off more than your intake. When I cut out beer and wine, it is instantly visible. My body is my engine, so I try to eat three healthy meals with lots of dark green veggies and plenty of carbs. Cut carbs out of your evening meal if you want to lose weight. 

I always start the day with a shot of apple cider vinegar in water with Cayenne pepper and freshly squeezed lemon. The health benefits of this drink are enormous. It's a natural probiotic which acts as a detox for the body, and the cayenne pepper gives your metabolism a boost. Apple cider improves blood sugar, symptoms of Polycystic ovary syndrome, and can also be used for weight loss.  

Breakfast is a banana shake with coconut milk, a tablespoon of flax seed oil ( don’t overdo the flaxseed oil, or you will be on the loo!) and a small amount of pea collagen protein powder to help build muscle mass. Flaxseed oil is high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which help with the heart, constipation and skin health. The collagen protein powder helps slow ageing, build muscle, and repair tissue.  As one ages, it is imperative to keep muscle tone. Sometimes, as well as the shake, I have two eggs and a piece of toast; other times, I have granola mixed with natural yogurt. 

Photo: Annabelle Bond

Photo: Annabelle Bond

Right after breakfast, I head off to the gym; I walk each way if I have time or else it's a mad dash on the Santander Cycles, which is a great way to navigate London. 

Just remember, if one feels like snacking during the day, try and go for healthy options such as almonds, dates, dried apricots, or an apple. I drink fresh ginger tea frequently, which supports blood pressure and heart health and helps with weight loss. If I am home for my evening meal, rice or brown rice noodles are usually a firm favourite. The brown rice vermicelli is an excellent source of fibre and minerals, and I often combine it with chicken and veggies. If weight loss is desired take the carbs out of the evening meal; I prefer to manage portion size instead of opting out of carbs. If I am still hungry and fancy a dessert, it's yogurt with chia seeds and honey. 

Try some of my tips to get summer fit and healthy.  

Also see: Opinion: Annabelle Bond on the physical and mental benefits of running